Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I am so excited to be a new Consultant for Usborne Books and More! I would like to use this website as a bonus feature for my customers. I was an elementary teacher for 7 years and I LOVED teaching with picture books, both fiction and non-fiction. As a former teacher I know the importance of using every possible teachable moment, so rarely would a story be used in my classroom as purely a read-aloud, I always tried to find some sort of educational tie-in...although my students didnt always realize that! They just thought we read a story and talked about it afterwards. I would love to use this blog as a way for my customers to get some ideas for using their Usborne Books as teaching tools in their homes and classrooms. The enrichment and extension activities I present here are just a few of the many that can be used, think of them as spring boards for your own ideas....and be sure to share!
While I can't do a post for all the titles in the Usborne catalog, I'll certainly try to add to it from my own collection and those that my customers are ordering. From time to time I'll also try to add some internet links to other lesson plans related to these titles and topics. ENJOY!